Canadian Energy Transformation Association

If we are going to have a chance at solving climate change we must transform our energy system from fossil carbon to renewable energy. To do so requires Investment, lots of it.

Right now Canada (and the world) is not seeing nearly enough investment in renewables. Investments in renewable energy must increase by a factor of 10.

The Problem

Energy Production Investments in Canada 2021

Investments in renewables is nowhere close to where they need to be.

Wind and Solar $1.3B
Hydro $5.0B
Oil and Gas $23.9B
We are a Non-Profit association whose members are dedicated to making a real difference in the fight against Climate Change

The Canadian Energy Transformation Association (CETA) mission is to accelerate the transformation of Canada’s energy system away from fossil sources of energy to low carbon renewable energy.

Make a Change.

What Do we do?
We work in two ways

1) Invest - We Provide zero interest loans to renewable energy projects that provide the best carbon reduction potential.

By offering zero interest loans CETA offers the lowest cost capital possible, thus enabling the lowest cost renewable energy possible. This type of financing makes many more projects viable, thus making exponentially more renewable energy available.

Funds for the loans comes from membership fees, repayments of previous loans and sponsors.


2) Advocate - We provide research, data and support to make Renewable energy investments the benchmark for judging Canada's Climate Action policies.

If investments in renewable energy are not at the level required then policies must change. 

The first step is to get Statistics Canada to actually measure these investments in a timely fashion and accurately.

Once that is in-place we can have a robust discussion about how to get investment to the level required. CETA’s position is a new class of capital, zero interest loans, is a good way to support the investment required. This capital pool could be funded with a small, $20/tonne, carbon tax.

Our latest Projects

Halkirk Wind
Jurassic Solar
Wheatland Wind
$ 0 M
Funds Raised
Projects Funded
CO2 Avoided, Tonnes

Our Members feel good about what they are doing.

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